One of our members,
Gary R. Howell, Bloomfield, IN has a web site documenting his total off-frame restoration on his original 1969 GTO Judge. This GTO Judge was on the front cover of the July 2007 Issue of the "Legend" magazine. Check it out at: The links to the various pages are at the top of each page. Look for the (2) audio links which feature his Judge and Blue Ram Air IV and the 2 1/2 minute movie/slide segment. Gary not only tracked down the car he had owned years before, he even stumbled across his original license plate at a sale. Great story!
A note from Gary: The photo of me installing the license plate was taken
May 8, 2008. To think I installed that very same plate in
May of 1969 on the very same GTO seemed so surreal. Words cannot explain it. I guess it is the true meaning of Pontiac Excitement! I even have my graduating class tassel hanging from the rear view mirror. I better hit the sack now, I have been working on the '69 Liberty Blue GTO's valve train all day...